Club Lockdown

The concept for the movie started when screenplay writer Ashar Medina saw Jitske’s photography series about the empty nightclubs. Jitske’s pictures inspired him to write a horror story about an ambitious politician, who ignores the quarantine rules during the Covid-19 crisis and goes on an illegal blind date, which she found via the dating app Footfinder, where people with foot fetishes can enjoy themselves anonymously. The charming club owner invites her to an intimate private party in his empty nightclub, which is in danger of going bankrupt due to the crisis. But when she discovers that there is more to his apparently innocent foot fetish, the evening turns into a blind date from hell.

Recently, Club Lockdown was selected for the Dutch Film festival 2021.

Project Short Film

Cast Cyriel Guds & Joy Wielkens
Writer & Director Ashar Medina
Producer Julia Rombout
D.O.P. Aziz Al-Dilaimi
Styling Jitske Nap
BTS photography Jitske Nap
Montage Richelle van Loon
Sound design Jelle van Osenbruggen
Mixage Rosanne Blokker
Music René Thie


Museumnacht - Exhibition


Stille Nacht - FD persoonlijk